Your furry friend is as...

Your furry friend is as...

Go To Post     Your furry friend is as smart as a two year old! Although when our Kenshin is bossing us around I do think a few more years need to ...

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Oh hiya insta fam!! I'm...

Oh hiya insta fam!! I'm...

Go To Post     Oh hiya insta fam!! I'm celebrating 1K followers by popping the champagne 🍾 and having a party later, all my teddy bears are invited...

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Treats in the garden!! I...

Treats in the garden!! I...

Go To Post     Treats in the garden!! I must have been a really good boy 😇🌸 I got tasty treats from @tails.com_uk and my fave @petspurest salmon oi...

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Ok so how does it...

Ok so how does it...

Go To Post     Ok so how does it work? Do I call Vogue or do they call me? 😄🌸😍 I'm ready for my close up

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